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"When elected, I will be a passionate advocate and representative for YOU!"


Democracy and Freedoms

The power of the government comes from the people.  However, Democracy in our nation and in Ohio, is constantly threatened. Election 2020 lies are still rampant, especially after the violent January 6th attempt to overturn the vote.  There is mis- and disinformation in the media that is meant to divide us.  Just a few months ago, Ohio Republican legislators tried to silence the voice of the nearly 51% majority in Ohio by changing constitutional amendment requirements.  It failed, as it should have.


Districts have been heavily gerrymandered to support the GOP’s cause.  A democracy is a government by and for the people – all people.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Yet our peoples’ voices are being silenced time and time again.

When you, the people I want to represent, make your voices heard, I WILL support and respect that, no matter the outcome.  I WON’T allow attacks on the will of the people.  Rather, I WILL protect Ohioans’ interests.


There are Ohio and national politicians on record saying they can do whatever they want.  But no one is above the law or the voice of the people.  We cannot afford in Ohio a disrespect for the rule of law, our elections, and our institutions.  Rule of the majority and respect for the minority is critical for democracy to work.


I understand this.  I respect you enough to speak straight about these issues.  Democracy is one person, one vote.  I will fight to make sure that is always the case and that your voice is heard.  Always.

Public Education

All students deserve access to quality public education from our youngest learners to those seeking education beyond high school.  I will assist in making sure Ohio schools and educators have the resources they need to address our growing challenges head-on.  Addressing college affordability and making investments into vocational programs will give every Ohioan an opportunity to create life-long sustaining careers.

Many Ohio school districts struggle with inequitable funding, which often depends heavily on local property taxes. This creates disparities between wealthy and less affluent districts, affecting the quality of education students receive. Diverting funds to private schools through vouchers also undermines the financial stability of public schools, limiting their ability to serve many of Ohio’s students effectively.

Excessive administrative tasks and the expectations that teachers be armed security personnel are distracting our educators from their primary responsibility of teaching. Teachers are the best resource for developing and implementing curriculums. Legislators should not restrict curriculum or materials (e.g., censoring history and banning books). An uncensored education allows critical thinking, and the development of students’ own diverse perspectives. An inclusive curriculum also lets all students feel seen and valued. But ultimately, teachers are trained professionals who should have the autonomy to design and deliver lessons based on their experience and the needs of their students.

I will make sure that schools and teachers have the funds and resources they need to provide the best possible education for students and to create the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and workers.


A person’s medical decisions are very private.  These decisions are between you and your doctor. Period. However, your freedom to make your own choices about your healthcare is under direct threat from extremists in the GOP.  I will fight for your right to make your own informed medical decisions regarding your body. From family planning to identity affirmations, there is no need for government overreach in these situations.


Health insurance costs are getting out of hand.  Many Ohioans struggle to pay for health insurance premiums, let alone deductibles and non-covered health costs.  Our health insurance market needs to be restructured to provide easier access to the care we all need without families having to decide between life-saving care or putting food on the table. Fully funded programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP are just one step in this process.

Common Sense Gun Laws

Growing up, my family owned a business that sold firearms.  I even spent part of my career as an analyst at a firearms distributor. I know that there are both responsible and irresponsible gun owners out there. We must respect Second Amendment rights, while creating a culture of responsible gun ownership. 

As your representative, I will push to make sure we keep our community safe from gun violence by supporting and pursuing the number of common-sense gun proposals that are on the table. Proposals regarding extreme risk measures, secure storage, and background check loopholes need to be made into law in order to see a real decrease in gun violence, crimes, and even accidents.

Economic Growth

An important topic is our state’s economic development.  As the owner of a technology and telecommunications company based in Dublin, I am passionate about developing new AND supporting existing businesses both small and large. 

Business ownership IS achievable, and small businesses are the backbone of our community.  In fact, small businesses are responsible for almost half of all Ohio jobs.  I will not allow support of our small businesses to waive and will advocate for continued support in the way of reduced operating burdens, increased financial resources, and the ability to offer affordable healthcare to their employees.  This will allow small businesses to continue thriving and have generations of families choose to continue their businesses here.

Our larger, growing industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and computer systems, bring jobs and resources that are much needed to allow Ohio to continue to prosper. By making advanced public education affordable and investing in vocational and trade training, our current and future generations will be more employable and self-sustaining.  Creating this working class will make Ohio attractive to major employers, such as Intel, which will keep our state vibrant and growing.

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